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Opportunities to reflect and create in a tough time

It is approaching the end of the second week since more stringent measures have been put in place to control the spread of COVID-19. We can only do essential travelling and one form of exercise each day in the local area. About a dozen of events I have booked this year (ranging from concerts, theatre shows, sailing regattas, exams, dinners etc.) have been cancelled. My colleagues and I have been working from home. I have been self-isolating away from my family and friends. Each day I think about loved ones that have been lost - statisticised in the media. Each day I wait eagerly for positive news i.e. statistics showing that the measures in place are working. I'm trying to stick to a normal body clock i.e. wake up at 7am then sleep around midnight but when I am alone, this doesn't work as I am distracted by thoughts.

Despite all of this, I think that being at home more (and having very limited activities to do outside) means that there are more opportunities to reflect and create, whether it'd reading, creating music, creating art, coming up with a business idea, cooking a new recipe, designing a new piece of furniture etc. I have always been conscious with the amount of time I dedicate to composing music in particular and the physical and mental distractions that I face which hinders me from this activity (mostly belonging to the outside world). Before this period, my evenings and weekends were filled with social activities and events, travelling, exploring new places etc. - now they are completely free. All of this time available is incredibly unique to me and I must use this in the best possible way to pursue goals that I have set out to achieve i.e. to complete my second music album, Blossom to be released this year in 2020 (one would hope that the measures are effective then relaxed so that the studio can open). Blossom will be featuring 12 pieces that I have composed over the last 1-2 years mainly for piano and stringed instruments, inspired by my travels, relationships and dreams.

So this tough time of being in self-isolation, can actually be a blessing in disguise. I think that people can really use this time to their advantage - do things that they've always wanted to do at home, things that they did not have time for when the world was running as normal.

Hope the above helps.

Take care,



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